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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, November 28, 2005

tadaima minna-san ^__^
Soooo im home...
btw like the plainness of my page now?
I went for a simple theme this time, I'll change it to a more interesting one later, i promise. Maybe even l8er tonight.

school was okay, pretty uneventful.
Oh but my friend Gloria gave me earrings for Xmas (early) that have the kanji for "peace" on them.

I'm eating skittles right now...
the tropical kind in the blue bag.
Weee aren't I exciting?

My 1st period science teacher is really annoyed with me.
We were watching a video about waves and i sit between the only two friends i have in a class until 5th period (Jerret and Gloria)
And we kept commenting, quite quietly i may add, to eachother about the movie (stupid little thigns like when it was taling about waves in outer space i was like "I could never go there, I'm too much of a baby"; or when it showed sound waves in a rock concert i saw the drummers long hair and 3went "ooh his hair is pretty!" and i forgot what they had said but yeah...little stuff like that) and he told us we have to be separated tomorrow -_-;
He has always been annoyed with us, since I do have the tendancy to talk when I'm not supposed to, or pass a note when im trying to be quiet LOL

aw man i ate all the skittles...
all 250 calories worth...
i let food control my life, and i really shouldnt...
but it's a feeling I can't explain, really...
it makes me happy when my stomach growls and feels empty. Sure if I smell food at the time I may whin a little or really want it, but then l8er if i didnt eat the food then I feel so much better about it.
It's unhealthy I know but...
jeez how did i get into this discussion...

Well I have to do algebra homework (which i am completely clueless on, so i have to reread the practice examples)


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