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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, December 1, 2005

I'm in a band now..kind of lol
Well we're a band in progress.


my band name is Mezame, and we refer to each other in these names (band members and I) a lot.

last night and this morning I felt sick to my stomach REALLY bad.

I found out yesterday what it was though…

female problems.

and i got deteneion on Monday. Remember my moron math teacher? Her fault.

Here is the story:

I sit by a girl named Halie, and a girl names Shannon sits in front of her.

Halie wasn’t here yesterday and needed help on the assignment.

I leaned over to help her and the teacher yelled at me so I just went -_-; and sat back down.

Then not two seconds later the teacher goes “Shannon help Halie.”

So I was just like this à -___-

But then about 5 minutes later I needed help with something.

I needed to ask a simple yes or no question to Shannon. The teacher was busy with other ppl and I hate her and didn’t want to interact with her b/c I was mad. So I asked Shannon, but then b4 she could answer the teacher yelled at me AGAIN!

She went: “I told you not to help Halie!” and I said: “I WASN’T helping Halie, I need help on MY paper!” and she went: “Well I didn’t say Shannon was allowed to help you!” and then I got even more mad and just sat there b/c I didn’t know how to do the rest until she answered the question. So the when the teacher turned around like 5 minutes later I thought fuck it and asked Shannon anyway. It took 3 seconds.
Then I saw the teacher staring at me and realized she had saw me ask, but she didn’t do anything so I thought Okaay… and just went back to my work.

Then when class was over, there was about 1 minute left and everyone was packing up to go, I turned and said something to Shannon and Halie, probably just small conversation I don’t really remember, and the teacher yells “Alayna you have detention on Monday!”

O___o so I asked “What did I do?!” and you know what she said?

“Excessive talking during class!”

Yes so that pissed me off pretty bad. But I don’t have to go to Detention b/c my dad is gonna talk to her. She is scared of my dad ever since he got mad at her last time (picture a 6 foot 1 guy with a short scruffy beard and hair to his waist. that’s my dad.) and probably still mad at me for bringing my parents in last time she pulled something like this.

Then I was walking to my next class, I was talking to my friend Katlin whom I meet in this class break every day. This jerk walks up and started being all “ooh what are we talking about now?” (she is gay and ppl bother her about it sometimes). And he touched me. He pulled the “friend” thing to annoy us too far, and pushed on my shoulder/collarbone.

Note:: By this time, I was already on RAGING mad hormonal moods b/c the red curse is on me, I was sick and my stomach hurt, and I had just gotten detention from a bitch teacher. All in all, I was not nice.

And the jerk went “Haha I’ll hit you back.” so I raised my hand and went to punch him across the face, and Katlin pulled me back and my friend Heather, whom I didn’t know was behind me, stepped in front of him and me.
I’m kind of glad b/c the last thing I need is to get suspended or hurt. Plus I found out he is in the FFA or FBLA or something AND he is at least two years older than me.

-huff- -mutter- I still could have dropped the fucker…

So anyway, that was my day -sighness-
Oh yeah and I came home early around noon b/c I couldn’t stand the stomach nausea feeling anymore. I have been sick to my stomach all day and I was completely pissed beyond imagination by that time.

Hoping for a good day tomorrow


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