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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

::: current song - Trek the Data Yar Tango ::: by Voltaire :::Dirty dirty song...and yet all the same, so discreet ._.;
Well my mom succeeded im making me cry again.
I swear I'm over sensitive about everything.
i was wearing a shirt that says "Got sake?" on it and i say it how it is intended to be pronounced (sa-kay). she got all bent out of shape and told me to "say it like a white girl", in other words, she got mad and called me a wannabe b/c I wouldn't say it like "sa-key" (which by the way is not even proper) and then when i told her "well that is how you pronounce it" she just kept on going -__-
on a higher note, we started archery in gym yesterday and yesterday i only got 1 out of 3 arrows on the bullseye (or even on target for that matter..) but today i got all three into the bullseye, the very center, and i was so happy ^_^
I love archery, it is so fun.
I have to actually do things in TN, b/c i intend to actually HAVE a life when i get there:

I'm going to take violin back up, and get lessons until I'm caught up on what I used to know.

I'm going to get help with my guitar and hopefully at least get the basics down by summer.

I'm going to get back into karate so I can get fit again (thinking, either swords or fans....hm...)

I'm going to get into archery club hopefully, b/c that is just such a rush. I love the feelign I get right before I release the bow ^__^

I'm going to freshen up on my Japanese b/c I'm getting there (I finally got most of the particles down! yatta!) and get a job. There are tons of Japanese restaurants around my house sooo -shifty eyes- mwahaha
I'm so excited b/c my new room in TN is twice the size of my one here (mine here is like a fecking BROOM closet, I hate small rooms ;-;)
And I have my own bathroom (i usually do since its just me and my parents in the house but this one is right next to my room, mwahaha) and my own balcony! I'm so happy I cannot wait, I've always wanted a balcony in my room ;o;
I have a good feeling about this move...


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