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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, December 8, 2005

as for yesterday, i got over it.
I swear to the gods I'm bipolar ._.

I am currently eating lite (i wonder why they spell that differently...) whipped cream with a fork.
It makes me very happy ^_^

And I lost a couple pounds from my weight gain in Boston, another plus. So now I'm about back to normal (I only gained like 3 pounds but that is a lot for me ;-;)

We got off of school early b/c it was hailing -__-
and only by ten minutes.
Wooo, feel my enthusiasm?

We may have a snow day tomorrow but somehow I sincerely doubt it.
Everyone was freaking out about it so much at school it was even on the announcements.
We may have a snow day but all I see is hail so far.

Well I had better go find something to do...
like my economics homework.


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