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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I was at Katie's and Jen's.
Gomen V__V

But im back now and not much to say..
Jen found a Japanese grocery store and her mom would not come back to get katie and me at their house b/c it was in the opposite direction so we didnt get to see it ;o;
i was so pissed, rawr >O<

My dad is back until 2morrow morning (like 3 am) and so today we went with my mom too to see Harry Potter. It was really good, the effects were great. I loved the dragons -_^

And we're going to the Asian Buffet for dinner l8er b/c my mom promised me i could lol.

I'm gonna watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail soon (my parents are watfching the dumb football game, ugh i hate sports XP) b/c my mom simply ADORES that movie and had to buy it and i have not seen it yet so yeah 9_9

I will also change my theme soon, most likely. I love Seo, but seeing the same thing over and over is getting on my nerves.

I have designed a good hairstyle i want but i do not know if i want it now..
I mean it is an AWESOME style, and Jen loved it too, and I love it a lot..
but i dont know if id look good with it.
I mean i get a lot of boy attention with my normal hair (not bragging ppl, for the record -_-;) but most of it is from perverted ppl who are not my type anyway ._.;

Like last night that Korean boy i met at orientation texted my cell (i dont know how he got my # ._.) and asked me out x_x
Jen was going "say yes! say yes!"
and i wont.
1) i dont even like him that much, he is kind of annoying and i wouldnt have a good relationship

2) he is not attractive (im shallow just a bit V_V)

3) I'm moving in like 1 week, so no. 9_9

yeah so I guess there WAS stuff to talk about lol.


I have 4 fanarts up currently, check them out if you get the time please ^^

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