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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, December 12, 2005

._.;; oh my...
Yes people, stupid stupid me--
I forgot my gym clothes today.
Only thing I have to say:
Whoops ._.;

In good news, I showed my personal project in art today. I made a memorial/collage of Kami-sama ^__^ I also put a poem I wrote for him on it. Here, just b/c this post is in great risk of being excruciatingly short, I'll post that too.
In Loving Memory of Kamimura Ukyou

On velvet wings
Unfurl your dreams
Your body held you back
You’re free to hold
Shielded from the cold
Be the only one
To enter the sun
Beyond the clouds
My butterfly
My chosen one
Unraveling your silky wings
To ride another day
Feeling wind upon velvet
As you take to the sky
Once again my precious butterfly
Be all that you couldn’t
Do all that you wouldn’t
When the weight of the world chained you down.

Yes well there you go... that is it, lol. I'd take a picture of the collage but it's merely a bunch of pictures of Kami-sama, some kanji, and a big blue butterfly. Nothing spectacular.

I need to buy some sharpies in various colors x__X...

Oh and I forgot to mention--
On Friday when I went to the mall with Katie, Dolly, Rachel, Jen, and Bunra, this lady came up to ask us if we were a band ._.;
Look at it this way guys, six teenagers with an assortment of intricately designed Vuisual Kei style clothing, colored hair, spike jewelry, etc etc.
So I can sort of see where she got it from. Point is, Bunra toldh er "Yeah, we're a band." -shifty eyes- and she said "Oh really? Are you playing here?!" and he said back "No, uh...we aren't playing tonight." -shifty eyes once more-
-shakes head- Wow I am amazed at some people lol.
Oh yeah and we got kicked out of Victoria's Secret for putting makeup on Bunra x___x Sexist jerks...lol
Fare well for now! and I'm going to put up more fanart soon besides the four i have up already ^_^


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