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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

current song: Drop it Like it's Hot :: by Snoop Dogg (I hate this song but it reminds me of Miyavi XDD)
Thanks for the comment on the poem Saru ^^; I'm glad you liked it ^_^

I'm eating a waffle...
a blueberry waffle...
with peaches on it...
and whipped cream...
luckily the peaches and whipped cream are both low fat mwahahaa

I had to do the pull up test in PE today. Well...the one where you just hang there you know? Your chin has to be above the bar and everything. Yeah well I got four seconds LMAO
That is good for me, too. I am so athletically inept, ne?

the semester as well as my year at the hellhole known as Ryle High ends next Tuesday. Thank the gods 9_9
Then I'm off to Tennessee and inotm y new apartment ^_^
I am so excited, this is the thirteenth time I've moved (and yet I'm not even 15 ._.) and 13 is my lucky number so I have a good feeling, lol. Not that I'm superstitious, but it's also because the apartment is huge and my room is so much bigger -cries in happiness- I HATE SMALL ROOMS!!

But anyway...nothing new happened today really....

So I'm just going to go do the pile of homework waiting for me...and talk to katie if she EVER gets off "idle" on YIM -__-


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