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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Owie owie owie...;o;
I had to run the mile today, it SUCKED. Damn my asthma...
We could walk it, which me and my friends did about 90% of the time, but I ended up making it at about 17 minutes LOL
So pathetic 9_9;

I found this GREAT Duel Jewel video I had never seen before when I was looking on the computers at school and I started freaking out lol
But it owuld not load on the school comps b/c of the stupid internet blocks so i had to wait until i got home to watch it.
It was so great, man I love them so much ;.;

I also found a FABULOUS hide-sama shirt on Ebay while at school.
I will beg if I have to, I MUST HAVE THAT SHIRT!!!
It will go with my other X Japan shirt, mwahahaha...

Ugh I have a lot of homework to do, I had better get on it...
damn finals -__-;


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