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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, December 23, 2005

in my new apartment
hey all!
Well, I'm in TN now in my new apartment ^_^
It's really nice and very spacious, I love my room it is so big!!
i have my own comp now and my dad bought me new speakers. they are amazing and SO loud and you can adjust the bass as well as the general volume -evil laughter-

My dad said I can dye my hair when my mom goes back to KY, b/c she won't let me do it. But he said if she doesn't know, he won't get yelled at, so he doesn't care XDDD
man I love my dad.
I'm gonna dye it red. fire engine red. and black.
Well, that is what I'm hoping. As long as he doesn't chicken out at the last minute and say no -___-

I don't know about my new school yet, I'm scared to ask ._.
I think I'll wait until I have my dad alone, lol. My mom is a freak out bitch remember?

Oh my gods. My dad pissed off a poor little Asian man. A poor little JAPANESE man. who works at the JAPANESE restaurant. -slaps forehead-
It was b4 my mom and I got here, and my dad's garage was filled with stuff. I mean filled. From front to back.
I'm not sure of the details but all I know is when he finally got them to empty it, they had to call the owner of the stuff aand--
it was the little Asian man T_T
I feel so bad for him.

But that also means--

okay sorry I'm done.
I have to go finish burning my Duel Jewel dvd (wai!)

happy holidays

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