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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Late post! gomen ne V___V
All right!
Well we ended up opening gifts last night (Xmas eve) b/c my mom decided it was better that way since we could sleep in this morning.
I got.....
an mp3 player, a digital camera, a bonsai tree, Japanese software, a new hair straightener (like Sakura-chan's ^^), a pretty box with a lock that has a picture of a bonsai tree on it, Amy Brown stationary, an Amy Brown makeup pallete, paper lanterns to hang on my ceiling, and then my dad bought me random stuff throughout the day (like red and white eyeliner, new art supplies, etc.)

Yeah....not that anyone NEEDED to know but ^^;

We also saw the Chronicles of Narnia. I liked it a lot, but then again I'm a sucker for Fantasy movies. Especially ones with creatures in it like centaurs and griffins and all those lovely things ^^;
It's just so much mor appealing than reality, it makes me depressed sometimes that I can't go to a place like that T_T

I've been uploading my CDs to the comp all day and also downloading the mp3s that i never got the chance to put ONTO cds into the mp3 player.
It holds about three hundred seventy-something songs, but i can already tell it won't be enough room ._.;
what can i say? i have a lot of music ^.^;;;;

I cannot wait to get my hair cut/dyed!! I swear if my dad chickens out on me again I'll stab him with a chopstick!!! RAWR!!!

ugh....im still sick...
its just food poisoning i think but ive had it ever since i went to that Japanese place ._.
maybe the sushi was corrupt?

Meri kurisumasu!

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