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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ohayo minna-san
good morning everyone!
It won't be morning in ten minutes of course....since I'm writing this at 11:50 am....

My mom is leaving today to go back to KY (thank the gods!!!)
and then later today I'm gonna go to the mall with my dad and buy clothes ^_^
I'm afraid though that he will not let me buy what I want b/c lately he has been all "things are gonna change around here!" and "no more clothes with writing on them!"
so I'm really freaked T_T

Gods please let me do my hair how I wanted to...
I REALLY REALLY hope he does not chicken out on me and tell me I can't and he changed his mind...
I will literally cry this time. Please, goddess, let me have this for me...


P.S. New theme = my loves
like it ^_^?
I'm going to try and keep this theme up for a while...
changing my theme constantly is both
A) running me dry of ideas
B) taking too much time from me

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