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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Ureshii da! ^o^
I was looking up more hairstyles, b/c otousan said if I gather some more hairstyles i like he will approve the ones i can get and we can see if I can get it done before school starts =D

And I found this picture of Kana from Panic Channel and my dad said I could do this hairstyle! It is perfect right down to coloring, b/c that is the color I was gonna dye it anyway ^_^
And it's just absolutely perfect!
Here it is:
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And one more:
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I am so excited!!! Weee -does happy dance-
I am hoping so desperately to do it tonight or tomorrow T^T
I just hope my dad will want to take me.

I was supposed to go back to KY this weekend to see my mom and my cats and my friends. But we couldn't go T_T
I was pretty disheartened b/c Dolly was going to spend the night at Katie's house, and Dolly can like...NEVER spend the night anywhere! And I was going to go to Katie's too ...
but now I have to miss it T^T
It makes me quite sad....

take care all and happy new year!


P.S. Everyone thus far, and I mean EVERYONE, has suggested I cut it myself.
Trust me, I would if I could but I am not allowed. And if I did?
My mom would probably shave my hair off forcefully.
Because she is just THAT wonderful -_-
Or I'd be grounded forever and never allowed to dye my hair again. So that is out of the question, though I wish I could do it T^T

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