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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, January 1, 2006

I cannot do my hair until tomorrow.
My dad is so fucking indecisive and unlcear though I'm still worried he is gonna do that to me again ;o;

I went to Media Play, and since it is going out of business i got 2 anime DVDs ^_^
I got the next YYH dvd that i have not seen (Dreams of Power), 2nd to last of the entire series i believe T_T
I wanted both that one and the last one but they didn't have the last dvd...-sniff-
and i got the Collecters Edition volume 1 of "Ceres: Celestial Legend" OoO
I was soooo happy =D
I wanted to get "Pretear" volume 1 and the "Youko Kurama" dvd but i already had like 40$ worth of dvds ^^; even on sale.
AND i wanted to find Moon Child b/c I LOVE THAT MOVIE but sadly I could not find it V___V

And i ended up going to KY anyway b/c about three hours after I posted that my dad called (kind of pissed) to tell me that my mom needed him to come up to sign these papers for her new car, so i got to spend last night at Katie's with dolly ^^
It was good and all b/c when i got in everyone tackled me and broke me in half and what not lol....
but then as i got in they had juist barely stopped doing everything fun with Bunra and Tony (Dolly's brother and cousin) and I had just hugged each of them and then turned around and when i turned back like 4 seconds later they had left T^T
So I didn't really do anything I just sat around and talked. We were up until about 5:30 am XDDD
It was great thuogh we were laughing so hard, reciting old South Park episodes and telling nasty jokes ^^;

anyway happy new year (little late)
take care all


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