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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

okay well, it all started in last block (i have blocks now in this school), i had to get up to go get a book from my teacher and when i came back this girl pointed to this boy behind her (they are all generally close to my seat) and said "he wants to know if your gothic" -_-; I kind of gave him this "-raises eyebrow-" "you moron" sort of look, and then he was all like "no no no, i mean you're kind of like a Avril Lavigne kinda punk rocker kind of girl." I just looked at him like -leers intently- and these girls in front of me who are really nice btw started going "NO! She looks nothing like Avril Lavigne! You're a dork!" and then he said "well then you must be a Kittie, Slipknot sort of girl right?" I just looked at him like -.- and stayed silent.
and then he went "Okay well what do you listen to?" and I smiled at him like "Gods i hate you" and said "Actually I listen to Japanese music." and turned back to my work. He was all, "I have to see this." and then I got up to look through my backpack and i found my binder and kind of looked at it, then at him, and got an evil though (mwahaha) and then he said "Let me see, I wanna see these bands." and so I figured what the hell and passed it over to him and he was looking at it and he looked at the cover of the binder (Duel Jewel) and he was all "DAMN these are some fine Japanese girls!"
and i just started laughing histerically and went "They're guys." -smiles evilly- and his face was like O_O and he went "UGH" and dropped the binder on the floor and i was laughing my ass off the entire block b/c of that XD
Yes it was truly absolutely hilarious....
I know that was completely probably one entire sentence, but i copied it out of an IM conversation I had with Katie so i wouldnt hafta retype it =D
Anyway...I'm going to KY again this weekend for Jen's birthday ^^
I dyed my bangs Magenta and a streak on each side of my head. I can't do my hair yet, not for a little while longer, so I had to settle for this until I can get it cut.
I met two Jrock fans at my new school =D
It makes me so happy ^^ My first day kind of sucked but now I'm used to it, today was my third day...
my classes are literally like...retarded classes. They are so fucking easy I know I'll get As XDD
And my English teacher is nice and likes Edgar Allen Poe =DDDD
In case no one knew this already--
I love POE!! ^o^
so we get along GREAT mwahaha...

Okay I'm done rambling today...
dewa mata


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