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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, January 16, 2006

I just got back from KY yesterday. It was fun, we went to see a movie and Jrocked out completely, scaring the piss out of a bunch of people (omg it was hilarious =D)
and we bought random Japanese substances at Matsuya (japanese store).
I have pix from when we went to Barnes and Noble but I'll have to upload them later today and maybe show em off tomorrow lol.

I bought some cheap normal black pants yesterday and made some bondage pants =D
See, I spent less than 15 dollars on these as opposed to filthy Hot Topics clothes HAHAHA
They were straight-legged and so I had to split the legs up the sides and make them baggier with some red fabric and i put zippers on the red part so you can zip them to hide the red (though i never will anyway 9_9).
and I added Drings and whatnot...I still have to finish them today and then I can take a pic of those too! weee lol.
I am making them look as original as I can, as in I'm not making them look like I bought em at Hot Topic, but they won't look homemade.

Eww I have school tomorrow -dies-
-sigh- I guess I'll have to deal -rolls eyes-


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