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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

There are a lot of people I am getting introduced to who smoke pot, I mean seriousyl I just met two other ppl today (well they ride my bus and i see em around school but i didnt really KNOW them) and they are not really my kind of friends... (not b/c they smoke pot, though I'm not saying I really approve)
I mean b/c I heard the words "Prep" "goth" and "poseur" so many times in their conversation I thought I was gonna gag.
I myself am guilty of using that kind of "terminology" sometimes but I definitely do not apply the "rules" of being labelled like that to anyone, whatsoever....at least not that I am aware of ._.
I mean I don't mind if they want to use such terminology, but from personal experience, people who are that reliant on terms like that are usually very judgemental or immature...
But I shouldn't categorize, so I suppose I'll give em a chance ^^
It's also not my decision for them to smoke pot, and I personally do not give a damn. I'm not the one fucking up myself for no reason and they are not close to me so it's none of my business.
They could smoke AROUND me for all I care...
oh wait...I'm asthmatic...okay so they CANT smoke around me technically but you get the idea.

So I may go to the girl's (ppl i met = 1 girl and 1 boy) apartment today...maybe not.
It all depends...I don't know if I am comfortable around her or not yet, what with all the talk of the weed and shit like that...
If someone IS smoking it I do NOT want the scent on me b/c my dad will pick up on it immediately and I'll be DEAD.
Even if I'm not the one who smoked it (which I wouldnt be) I'd never see the light of day AGAIN.

And my "friend" in school (more like a good aquaintance on the brink of annoyance) is trying to set me up with a friend of his. He was asking me all sorts of questions about what kind of guys I liked and details about what I wanted in a guy and stuff and at first I was kinda suspicious and freaked b/c i thought he meant, you know, he liked me or something...-shudders-...but no he was just curious. And low and behold, he said he may have found me a boyfriend o_O his name is Chase (the guy he wants to set me up with). Chase goes to a Catholic private school, ironically enough, but the kid i know said he's not freakishly religious, I don't even know if he is christian. Not that it would really matter, just that usually people who are really really christian get kind of edgy around me since I'm...not...
Of course I do not put my full trust in him, and though this Chase kid sounds okay (if he does not have that spark I want in my first boyfriend, I'm sure he would be a good normal friend) I don't really know yet...he has a Myspace so I'm supposed to get the link from the kid in school tonight and go look at Chase's pix bc my brain has a tiny percentage of shallow activity which prevents me from physical contact necessary of a boyfriend girlfriend relationship if I am not attracted to the boyfriend end of the situation ^^;
I'm horrible I know, but I honestly cannot have a good relationship with someone I'm not attracted to, I just know I wouldn't be able to ._.
But he soudns nice, and kind of pretty. He has bright blue eyes and light brown, shaggy shoulder-length hair...according to SCottie (the kid in my class)...and he is really thin but not bony thin...I'm hoping slender, b/c that shallow part will act up again I swear it...

So I guess we will see, ne?

take care

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