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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, January 30, 2006

Fucking immature ignorant sick bastards...
Okay so it was lunch time today at school.
I went to the art room as usual to meet my "friends" (the one who likes Jrock and they all like anime, but the Jrock one is a bitch...).
Well one of them, the only one who didnt like Jrock or Jpop or anything at all, was telling me about how one tiem, this guy she knew had kittens he wanted to get rid of.
::Warning, this is deeply disturbing (at least i think so) and it made me sick the whole day::
He buried them up to their necks in his yard and ran them over with a lawnmower.
As soon as we heard this everyone else started fucking laughing!!! LAUGHING!!
I was the ONLY one who was horrified and when everyone else notice the sickened look on my face they stopped laughing and looked at me.
I just said "That's not funny. That is absolutely disgusting, how can you possibly laugh at that?"
And she said "Because it's funny."
I had to leave, I couldnt even stand it anymore. Already I wanted to find this sick fucker and beat his ass.
So i went back to class and when everyone got back from lunch this kid (the one who tries to "hook me up" with ppl -.-) saw how pissed I was and asked what was wrong.
I told him and he started laughing (WHAT HTE HELL IS WITH THESE PEOPLE?!) and said "I know that guy." and i glared at him and asked "Who?"
And he proceeded to tell me it was a friend of his brother's.
I told him "You had better hope I never find that guy." and he went all apologetic when he found out I thought it was terrible.
He told me to get over it!! I'm not going to fucking get over it, those things horrify me!!
I was nauseous all day and still am just thinking about it...
Then all these assholes in my class started asking what was wrong and i TRIED to get them to leave me alone and kept sayig "None of you business." or "Nothing important to you."
BUT THAT DAMN KID kept telling everyone, and every time I heard the story it got me more pissed and more sick so finally I screamed at him to shut up.
Then the class started mocking me b/c i was upset, but my school is absolutely immature and stupid, and they are scared of me.
No I swear on the gods I am not trying to make myself sound badass or anything.
They seriously are scared of me. So they shut up when i looked at them...

Ugh I'm still pissed about that...

Anyway, that girl i talked about before, the one who i met on my bus who is kind of annoying b/c she uses terms for categorizing people...
It just bothers me, I don't know why...
Anyway I'm going to go to her house today, I promised myself I'd give her a chance, if anyone lights up a joint I'm leaving.
I am not supposed to inhale smoke b/c of my asthma, nor do I want to SMELL like weed.

I feel so fat today ;-;
I know i know, it's annoying.
But it's your fault for continuing to read this if you don't want to.
I ate too much junk today.
At first I was like "Okay, salad, ice, fruit!" then this mornign i ate a pop tart -.-
damn myself.
then throughout school i ate nothing, as usual.
But when i got home i was hungry so i went in the fridge to get out my salad and I spotted...
the dreaded cheese. I looked in the cupboard and found...the evil bread, accompanied by...pop tarts.
So i ate the other pop tart i left this morning.
then i ate a piece of bread with cheese on it. followed by a bite of ice cream and this low fat yogurt.
That cannot be healthy...

Okay now that im done rannting about my food--


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