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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Interesting day today.
That kid who tried to set me up with his friend (to make this easier, his name is Scott) told me about a Chinese restaraunt he went to and that I'd like it b/c there is a waiter he said I'd think was hot.
He told me he had layered hair (mid-back length) with frosted highlights and was REALLY skinny and that he had a face shape kind of like Sakito's (when i showed him the pic of Sakito I'm drawing, that is what he said). ^^
So now I'm gonna beg my dad to take me there on my birthday ^o^ I hafta see if this guy can replace my hot AB staff ToT

Well I'm gonna be home all day today as usual -sigh-
We're broke as hell, which is odd since my dad moved us fdown here b/c he'd be getting PAYED more. But he told me why last night, b/c my mom decided to buy a new car RIGHt after he did, so they had to pay $3000 down payment.

OH speaking of kaasan--
She accused me of drinking her wine!!
she told my dad that when she had come down here last time she could not find it and asked if i had drank it! I mean my gods, mother, I'm not turning into a pothead acoholic!!! -.-;

anyway take care

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