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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Well, school was okay today.
I am getting along better with people, and the kids on my bus are decent. The guy (we call him Rusty, i dont know if that is his real name) is really nice, he is just a pothead, lol.

I got hit on and stared at and commetned at/about numerous times today -.-;
Okay, no one NEEDS to know this, but it's your fault if you continue reading! lol
It's b/c I do have rather....um...large....well okay let's say I'm just "well endowed" ._.;
Rusty was telling me his friend and him were discussing the girls at school at lunch today (typical boys -.-;) and they were complaining b/c everyone was As and Bs and his friend saw me walk by and Ruty told mehis eyes baout popped out of his head LMFAO
Normally I'd just be like -___- *growl*
But by now I am SO fucking used to people talking about my bust that it doesnt bother me -sigh-
Just ask Sakura-chan -.-; I don't think i go a day around her without her commenting them -rolls eyes-
Okay off that awkward subject...lol

We had a pep rally today..ugh...
I sat in the senior section with the girl from my bus (Mya) and the cheerleaders started cheering, and you know how they say stuff like "seniors follow along!" "juniors follow along!" and so on and so forth?
Well whenever they got to freshman all the seniors "Boo"ed like crazy rofl
I'm not bothered b/c, hell, gods know Ill do it when I'm a senior! In fact I was laughing XDD
there was also a bunch of REALLY brave guys who ran out in cheerleader uniforms (im talking full on, some put basketballs in their shirts and/or pants ._.). It was slightly disturbing..
Anyway Mya told me no one could tell I was a freshman anyway thanks to the "endowments"
I SWEAR that is all my friends talked about today!!! It was like the running joke of the day XDD

No school tomorrow, thank the GODS. I would die XP
I really wanted to go to KY tomorrow and go to the dance at my friends school T^T
But i Can't -sigh-
Oh well, maybe next time, when my hair finally gets fucking done -.-

Well I had better get off and wash my hair...it's getting nasty and greasy already -sighness-
Oh!!! And btw, no one read my last post!! I feel used -folds arms-
-shifty eyes- okay jk lol.

take care!

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