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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, February 4, 2006

-yawn- too early -sleepy eyes- ,,,,,,
Well I'm waiting for Jen to IM me, she has amazing amazing news that I am SO fucking sad to hjear
why am i sad?
It's great news, he met some people whoe sound really cool and are friends with Fruit-Roll up boy from Sugoicon (if you read my concert review you'd know him, he's a cute lil asian security guard who looks like Toshiya and crossdresses for cons =D). and they gave her his number and we might meet them again @ the mall when I come up.
Why am I sad?
It only reminds of of how much I hate living in tenessee and how much I miss everyone in KY (and i wont be able to see these amazing ppl if they dont see us on the weekends i come up ;-;).
The last 2 times I moved have sucked extremely, and i noticed that only then did my grades start to suffer. Only when I had to move to Ryle and too far away to see my friends that often.
Connection? Perhaps.
Damn it all, my mind makes the worst thoughts out of the best situations ;-; this can't be healthy. But all it makes me think about is how lonely it is down here. -sigh-

Anyway off that subject--
I watched Spirited Away on tv last night. I had only seen it once before, and that was way back in like...2003 or 2002 or something....
But all i could remember b4 i watched it was that it depressed me back then, and scared me a little (mostly it was that DAMNED BABY!!!).
Now that I watched it again I have come to realize:
I was an idiotic shallow creep when I was younger.
I didn't understand the movie and was not interested then -sigh- thus I refused to want to understand it at all.
But watching it the second time made me love it, I want to go buy it now ._. (hahaha I LOVE the baby when it is a mouse, I remember that now XDD and the puffball spiders T^T so cute)
I don't know, yesterday my mind was just automatically darting for every flaw it could find in everything, b/c the only thing that depressed me yesterday was that Haku is pretty and interesting and I'm gonna be a lonely little single person my whole life since I won't just settle with anyone that wants to go out with me (WHICH I FORBID MYSELF FROM DOING EVER).
I dunno...
I just can't settle for what I've found so far. I can't.
I refuse to. If it takes me until I'm 16, so be it. 17, okay. Even 19, yeah I'll take it.
But I am NOT going to to just accept being with anyone.

Ugh i sound like a feminist supremist -sigh-
I'm in a weird mood, my apologies.

take care all

::edit:: P.S. I almost forgot!!
Val's birthday today!! He is the drummer in the saammme band as Shun-sama =D

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aishiteiru :hearts:

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