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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, February 5, 2006

I'm so bored.
So FUCKING bored.

When I am bored.
I eat. Too much.
I have been bored since I moved here.
I think I weigh ten pounds more than I used to.
And my dad does not care -.-
I told him I was bored and if we didnt go do something I'd end up eating everything in the fucking kitchen.
Know what he said?
Know what he said when i asked him again a little later?
"Don't eat."
and then her persisted upon arguing with me over whether or not it was hard to not do so.
He does not understand.
I have no willpower.
I am a weak and pathetic blob around food.
I am starting to cry because I want to go eat something but I know it's not good for me.
And what's weird is: my parents know, even my old therapist told them, I am sensitive about weight issues, and they know i am not stable (anyone who has known me long would know why but I won't sayi t b/c it was a personal thing I did and I regret it now). But they still make fun of it all the time. My mom, for example, saw this girl on TV doing something about dieting and freaking out over food and my mom went "oh look it's you!"
I did not find it funny at all. I can't even believe she said it.

And this this has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever posted about. -sigh-


and now I am watching Miyavi. And he makes me happy. So I can smile until I'm done, then my mind will remind me of how bored i am once more -.-

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