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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

my school is SO fucking full of immature morons!
I mean HONESTLY, why can't people just mind their OWN fucking business and GROW UP?!
GAH -rips out hair-
NO ONE is respectable or honorable anymore!! NO ONE!

Okay sorry...I'm done for now...
I'm cooking one of those little personal pizzas -sigh-
And I had a bag of skittles and a bag of chips today in school!! I NEVER eat until I get home, i don't even eat in the morning, so this is really weird for me...

ToT Uwaaaa
I miss my buddiiesssssss in KY
;-; -sniff-

Well um...
not much else to report I suppose -sigh-
MY comp is still fried in my room...
the bastard...
I just need a new power supply, nothing really bad...no files lost...

I should go before I find something else to rant about -.-;


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