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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ate like a cow today
I'm sure you are all excited to know that (title).

I'm fussing over my RAG submission (DJ fanclub)....
I want to save up as much $$ as I can to join, you don't really HAVE to donate anything but they ask you to if you can and I REALLY want to send them as much as I can.
I am up to $50 right now, and soon to have more once I sell some more DVDs and mangas.
I am selling my Ceres boxset to this girl in my school once I burn them. It is about $40 normally I think? -checks on net-
No it's actually $49.98 ...but I will sell it for less since it's being burned.
Prolly $40.00.
Illegal? maybe a little ._.
but I don't care lol.

EEK!! I just dropped an ice cube in my lap ;o;
-looks down- .....the dog is eating it. -.-;;;;

I found more DJ clips today.
Yuya is so hilarious, I just wanna HUG him lol.
Purgatory, have you seen the DJ clips?
They have made 3 so far and each one makes me laugh so hard that I almost literally pee myself XDDD
If not then I'll send you links to em, in fact i think a couple may be on Youtube. There is also one of Hayato doing a modeling shoot ^^
he is soo cute T^T

My mom is coming down here for my birthday and hers (hers is the 15th, mine is the 13th). She is on her way right now...

take care all

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