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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Yay!! ^^
I got my movies and I've watched Moon child twice since I got it already.
T^T I love this movie -huggles it-
It made me cry like 8 times lol ^^;

Some FREAK got my cell # and started calling me last night and speaking fake chinese like "non non chan BITCH" and i was like o.o...-.- -growl- -hangs up-
I'm betting it was that stupid whore on my bus that I gave my number to, it was a guy but they sounded high off their ass and there was screaming american metal music in the bg. oh FUCK i was already in a fucky mood and watching MC so I was almost crying and then THAT happened so on Monday I'm gonna fucking kill her. No no first I'm gonna ask her who the fucking hell decided to fucking call me and THEN I'll explode.
My dad answered it first and he was getting pissed b/c they were screaming or something and then i hung it up and then they called about 5 minutes later and did the fake chinese thing -.-
UGH I am seriously going to have a meltdown and kill someone tomorrow.
My BIRTHDAY of all days tomorrow, WONDERFUL day to get in a fight, ne? -steams-

I also got 2 YYH dvds, Youko Kurama (that's the name of the dvd, it's the dark tournament fight between kurama and Karasu :heart:)
and the dvd b4 it when Genkai died.
I was watching it and remembering how much I used to "love" Youko Kurama, and I must admit for a bishounen he still is my favorite -_^

I talked to Hana until about 1:30 am last night and i would have talked longer but my phone died. And I was up until about 2:30 watching DVDs.
I ended up crying during our conversation too once we started talking. I just started thinking about them all and couldn't stop. It was kind of awkward b/c i was trying not to b/c I didnt want her to know I was crying but she heard it in my voice...-sigh-

I may go up to KY on Wednesday with my mom (she is down here for our birthdays) and skip a few days of school to be up there. And I'd leave on Monday of next week. ^^ I hope my dad says yes b/c i really want to, then I can go to the dance at Jen/Hana/Katie's school.

take care all

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