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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

School today was insane ._.
4th block (last period) we had a sub and that period is always very out of control anyway but this time it was just crazy.

I was not in a very good mood today.
And lately I've been craving cigarettes. What's stupid about it? I'VE NEVER SMOKED.
I just WANT one....

I've been in another one of those "Man I want a boyfriend" modes too ::dies::
I was hoping I would never BE in this sort of situation, at least not for a while but goddamn...
I meet a lot of nice guys (I know this will sound skanky but I meet most of them if not all on the net) and I must admit a few are quite sexy as well as sweet lol.
Oh and please don't rant to me about internet relationships being dangerous, I know all of that trust me, besides this post is not about online dating 9_9

I met one guy on Myspace (again, I realize there is still a slight possibility he is not who he says but trust me on this one, I doubt it entirely.) last night who is just...like god.
he is so sweet, and very good-looking (in ym sense anyway) and he likes all the same things I do plus he is very open-minded. He would seriously be perfect if it wasn't for a few flaws in this situation:
--he is 21
--it is online
--he lives in Cal.

ugh why am I even getting my brain into this mode?
I gotta get a grip, I really do.


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