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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, February 26, 2006

::whispers to self:: fatass XP
Ewwww I was supposed to go to the gym yesterday but I didn't b/c I got lazy at the last second ;__;

Myspace's server is busy AGAIN -_-
damn it I hate when that happens...

My dad and I got in this HUGE fight the other night (Thurs. night actually) and I ended up getting about 3 hours of sleep b/c I was crying so hard. Thus Friday I was tired, miserable, and almost cried in every class. And it didn't help that EVERYONe insised upon BUGGING THE HELL OUT OF ME all day. They either asked constantly what was wrong, and for some reason whenever someone talks to me when somethign is THAT wrong or even hints at noticing that I'm there, I physically get sick to my stomach. If they make me reply then it worsens.
But certain people I'm okay to talk to...very specific people...
but I seriously wanted to just jump in front of a cement mixer all that day.
My dad had taken away my cell phone (reasons are beyond stupid and thus withheld) so when I got hoem i called it and found it had slipped ocnveniently under his bed so I called Mijikai who was at Zhou/Ame's house and bawled to them for abot 20 minutes, half because I was so happy to talk to them again and half because I had a HORRID day. They made me feel so much better...



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