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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Oh my gods...last night I found this video on youtube...of X Japan doing Forever Love at their last live...and it is so extremely sad, I started sobbing my eyes out the first 30 seconds.
Yoshiki loses it about 10 times and just sobs and has to stop playing the piano for a minute at one point...and at another point in mid-song Toshi and he just hug eachother and cry for about 10 seconds.
I couldn't take it without crying my eyes out. I watched it numerous times--
and EVERY time I did--
I just cried..
If you are an X fan, I highly suggest you watch this.


nothing much else I can say.
im SO anxious to go to KY for spring break!!
im just having $$ problems since Im giving about $30 to RAG (duel jewel official fanclub)....
damn RAG...lol


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