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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

cam whore? That's me.
Yeah well I found my mp3 cable works on my digital camera.
I owuld have used the digital camera USB cable but my BEASTLY FUCKING DOG ate it -.-
what a bitch....(stale XDD)

Ugh omg i feel so guilty and stupid.
i took like 4 puffs of that chick's cigarette after school ;-;
It was nasty too. It tasted like I took a week old ashtray and shoved it down my lungs.
Ugh...at least I know I'll never do it again.


Oh so anyway here I'm gonna camwhore just a lil lol. don't let your eyes burn too bad ;_;

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(taken in february i think a little after my birthday....)

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(oh the things I do when I'm bored...)

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(-puffs cheeks like Mijikai- ...UGH I STILL CANT LOOK AS CUTE AS HER D: haha jk jk LOL)

yeah well that's about it for my day....


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