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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, March 18, 2006


scratch my last post...

We're not going...

The apartments just fucked us over...
If we don't pay them $900 TODAY we are evicted. And they just gave us notice of this YESTERDAY.
Nice huh?

my mom said she could come up tonight and take me back tuesday night and I was like "no I wanan come back on Tuesday morning at latest!" and so we are still debating...
but I guess I still get to go...
my plans are just kind of fucked as of now...

So I'm still kind of pissed.
But its better than not going I guess...

I just don' want to be stuck down ehre with my parents in this FUCKHOLE of state for the next four days...
I was so happy to get OUT of here, goddamn it and now I'm stuck here again

have happy days.


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