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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Well...I went and surprised Katie and Dolly at anime club yesterday.

I about cried, and I probably would have if there had not been a library full off annoyed people around me.
I hugged them both about 25 times each yesterday.
After Dolly left I had to go around 10 b/c my mom wanted me home for at least one night before I go off with my friends for hte rest of the weekend.

But now Katie/Jen's dad is being a total jackass and uncooperative on purpose because, acording to Jen and Katie, he finds it rather amusing to mess up people's plans.
He just out of nowhere says I can't spend the night at all at their house the entire time I am here.
Which would mean I cannot come over at all because my mom works nights and thus I would have no ride home at all at night.

My mom is going to talk to her parents and try to get some sense into their dad's skull.
Hopefully she can *sigh*

I thought the drama would subside now that I was FINALLY up here.
Pfft...nice job alayna -_-

I'm probably going to delete my account, I just have nothing to update with anymore and I never check anyone's sites hardly except for a few...
Or I may just go hiatus and continue checking some peoples' sites.
I don't know.
I'm still deciding.


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