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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Photo whoring time =D
Well school today.
Lovely -_- *sigh*
I was reminded how much I hate this school. Ew.

I am so sick of guys.
I just want to find one.
ONE guy.
Who is as sweet as I take them to be, and likes what I like. It's what any girl wants and only thel ucky ones ever get them.
All guys I've come to like thus far don't like me back or I was not aware if they did.
And all guys so far that I know have liked me make me want to puke. I always hate the ones who DO like me. They are almost ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS immature little fat skaters. (not to generalize or anything, b/c I am exaggerating a bit when I say that)

I'm just sick of it.
Is it so fucking hard to find a nice guy anymore?
not a pothead, not one who wants nothing but sex, not an immature weasel, not annoying.
Fuck am I just too picky?!
It's no wonder a lot of my friends gave up on them.

Anyway I believe I promised pictures, ne?
Here you go, don't let your retinas suffer too much pain.

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I dyed my hair at Jen's house again. It's what I do when I'm bored. Sad ne 9_9?

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Me and Jen (this makes me miss her/Katie/Dolly more ;-;)

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Yeah I got bored on Wed. night at Jen/Katie's house ^^; And i got ahold of my makeup *shifty eyes* I think my head is shaped funny *_*

this one i didnt feel like resizing so if you really want to see it that bad you can just click (or copy and paste depending on if it is clickable x_X) this link.

Yeah I have more but not a lot and most are of Jen (she is a worse photo whore than me -_- on my OWN camera!) and the other ones of me i hate sooo yeah xD

take care everyone

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