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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, March 31, 2006


Last night, was when it truly hit me.
and it hit me hard.
We had the chance of a lifetime...
to see a group people, live, that we admired so much...
and we did not do it.
Dir en grey was actually here. It was real. and we missed it.

It sounds pathetic I know but...
I guess at the time of the ticket buying ang venue holding and whatnot...
it just seemed too surreal...too much like a fantasy..
and now it has happened. I've read so many live reports, some of which just seep the oxygen right from my lungs, and make my heart beat so fast it seems like it has stopped.
It's too late.
and I realize...
this actually happened...

next time, Jen and I, we are going to be there. We made a pact with eachother.
If we have to suffer and be blackmailed to get a yes from our parents, so help us we will do it.

This goes without saying for Duel Jewel.
Everyone who knows me--
knows DJ are my babies.
I love them with everything I've got.

I'm staying home today. I felt just a tiny bit nauseous this morning but in all truth I could have gone to school...
I just didn't feel like really doing that today.
I need a mental health day to clean and be merry or...
something like that...


I'm watching my Dir DVDs now.
it makes me excited but slightly saddened.;

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