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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, April 1, 2006

this is a very Duel Jewely good post ._.
I just burned my Duel Jewel DVD.

for like the 8th time -_-
I burned it before at Christmas time (about then) but it fucked up.
I hope to hideto-sama that this works T.T

And I am a TOTAL idiot, I accidentally deleted 2 of my DJ PVs >.<
*insert stream of cuss words here*
And they are not in the recycle bin b/c they were on a portable disk!!!
I'm so pissed.

But I'm getting my friends to resend them so when that is done i can just remake the DVD with those in it...
assuming it will WORK.

I'm watching it right now, the TV is behind me lol.

*sigh* and my Duel Jewel CD is never going to get ordered, I shoudn't have gotten my hopes up.
My dad did attempt to order it once but since then I think he forgot about it -_-
Damn it all.

*sings along to DJ*
=D happy happy song...

I've always wondered what Natsuki looks like with no shirt...
he is so stocky and adorable...
I think by Japan's standards he would be considered chubby simply b/c he is not a stick...
but in America he is far from chubby >.<
Adorable little thing :hearts:

anyway I should go so I can edit this DVD!


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