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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, April 7, 2006

Yeah so I haven't been on all day b/c I spent two EXTRA hours at school due to tornadoes rampaging the city.
Lovely ne?

My dad heard about it and left work around 1, didnt get to my school until 4 when it should only take him about half an hour. School's wouldn't let us go home until two hours after school ended and I left before the buses were allowed to leave b/c my dad had come.
It took 2 ADDITIONAL hours to get home, when it normally takes ten minutes, because of the traffic.

The power was off until like twenty minutes ago and it was supposedly going to be off all week but evidently not.

yay we're not dead!

Damned things passed RIGHT by our apartments but missed ._.

Kitten sweets did you get them too?????
I talked to her on the phone last night, I was confused at first b/c i didnt know who was calling me xDD

And I'm going up ot KY tomorrow.
b/c of all the tornado BS.
god i hate TN xDD


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