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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I've eaten a LOT today ._.
I had a pack of pop tarts and a twix at lunch, plus a couple waffle fries I mooched off of someone's tray. I also ate, when I got home, a couple little pieces of toast and a salad and a few crackers.
Add on two diet cokes ;-;

I made a video tour of my room xDD
It cut off about ten seconds of the end though -_-
what a whorefaced camera I have.
If I can figure out a way besides youtube to upload it for you guys to see then I will!
But it sounds like i have a lisp ._.
I don't...THINK I have a lisp o__O

School was boring.
as usual.

fourth block wasn't bad.
I was lazy though and didn't do my work, the whole class was tlaking so I socialized a little bit and this girl is going to pay me to buy her some red hair dye b/c her mom won't let her go to Spencers xDD

omg -_-
i have nearly....*counts*...seven diet coke bottles littering my room xDD
I am such a filth-mongrel :3

take care?


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