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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

okay sooo basically i dont wanna talk about my day
it was dull and depressing xD
i didnt talk practicaly all day I just listened to my mp3 player in almost every class and i slept in almost every class and on the bus.
I'm going to post pictures from this fabulous Dir en grey site I found, but the page is taking forever to load for some reason
So while that loads I'll just talk I guess...lol
I have been shamelessly flirting a lot lately oO
not with anyone I know personally around this area, yuck.
No no no.
With my friends online xD
One in China, one in Japan, like 3 in California, 1 in Florida...hmm...
yeah lots of flirt buddies <.<;
*whoring? XD*
fuck I wonder what is wrong with this site it's just not working...


I tried to post those pics but the site was being stupid and wont work all of a sudden.
fuck i hope it works soon it was an AMAZING site it had like every pic ever MADE D:

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