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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

okies sooo--

Dir en grey.
lots of stuff happenin' for them lately *hearts*

I'm happy for them ^_^
I'm gonna go to the mall today if we get time and go to HT and see if they have WTD. They should b/c my friend said they did.
I don't go into HT a lot.
I've gone once in the past like...4 months only because I wanted to see if they had the Dir shirt and they did.
It wasn't a very good shirt though I didn't like it anyway so I didn't get it lol.

The reason I say if we have time is because I am really supposed to be packing right now because tousan wants me to move my room to the new apartment today.
At least as much as possible.
So I'm gonna go work on that right now.

Kitten has to come, Momo ;-;
I'll kidnap her >:3


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