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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I'm at my old apartment for a lil while.
I will be tomorrow and Thursday (last day =D) as well because I get off school early until Thurs, which is the last day of school. I'm only here until 5:30 every day though, until my dad can stop by to get me.

had the third cigarette of my life ever today again -_-
damn those things
I gotta stop before I get ahead of myself <__<;

I'm sick ;-;
I keep coughing and that damned cig did not help >:0

OMG no food D:
*dies of starvation*

I also heard something that makes me want to go to the Deg concert even more.
KoRn fans are spreading word to "get" the Dir fans at every concert.
So people are all like "dont let anyone know you're there for DEG!!"
I'm going in a Dir shirt, Jrock-color-happy hair, fuck those idiots.
But if anything bad happens to Dir (in the form of booing, throwing shit, etc. etc.) I will dlip out and scream extra hard to let em know we aren't all stupid morons.
They will KNOW I'm there for THEM -__-
stupic immature whores....the fans... ._. ....not deg xDD

Ugh I'm beat to hell too.
Moved shit all weekend and my leg is beat up pretty bad D:
I kept hitting it on the hitch of the Uhaul and falling up the stairs and my dad almost dropped a couch on me.
And I stabbed my eye with a safety pin yesterday ;-;
it hurt all night and kept watering >:(


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