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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I just had the freakiest most crackhead dream ever.
It was all a bunch of blood and torture and gore and this lady trying to kill me and this baby and they maimed a cat and ate part of it....
and at the end we were trapped and i was on the stairs and there was one of her sons or something behind me and she was trying to attack this couple who had the baby and she killed someone and threw them over the railing...she kept trying to stick them with needles..
and there was this wall full of...babies...and some were screaming and crying and one fell off the shelf and got a needle stuck in it and got paralyzed and I just set it aside so it wouldn't get hurt and then the lady kept laughing hysterically and trying to stab me and i kept grabbing the pins out of her hand going "no don't! stop it!" and she kept laughing and pulling pins seemingly out of nowhere, sometimes out of a random baby (O___o;;) and my "friend" (those kind you make up in dreams you know?) was behind the son except the son was suddenly this woman with huge poofy hair so I was motioning to my "friend" to yank her hair out or something and the lady was like *narrows eyes at me*
then i was JUST about to yell "RIP HER HAIR OUT" when he grabbed her by the hair and threw her over hte ledge and killed her...
then while hte needle lady was distracted I threw her over the ledge...
and then we wrapped up the cats body in a blanket and the baby we were trying to protect and some other persons body i dont know whos probably the friend who got thrown over by the needle lady...
then at the end it was like a movie because this narrator lady voice was like "we were 4 minutes away from our house and then..." and like...we were driving and hit this tunnel and suddenly the lights flashed on something bleeding and screaming and these wide white eyes glinted at us through the lights from the car and we hit it...
and i woke up

I skipped the whole of the dream but i dont really remember it except bits and pieces...
there was a lot of blood and torture is all i remember
and i watched Rooftop Room Cat (my korean drama) again before i went to sleep so i dont know HOW the fuck this got into my dreams

....sweet dreams?

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