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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, June 3, 2006

I promised my friend in Japan I'd draw him because I need practice anyway, I haven't drawn in a while.
isn't he adorable? lol
and He's 21 o_O
isn't that freaky??
he looks like....12 xDDDDD

but he's adorable and a big [perverted] sweetheart so it's okay lol
^^ *hearts*

I'll scan it up when I'm done and as soon as we get the scanner hooked up <_<;
I'll be done by tonight probably, tomorrow night at latest depending on how much I work on it today.

my dog is driving everyone crazy.
Okay my DADS dog [she isnt even mine!!]
she was never trained correctly, my mom and i had progress going training her but my dad screwed it up.
and now my cat is trying to attack my mom's sandwich out in the kitchen and she's having a fit and screaming =___=
so i have to go before she kills my baby


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