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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, June 4, 2006

current song::
Ahhh well I went to sleep early in the morning yesterday ._.
around 2ish or 1:30 if I remember correctly.

And I didn't wake up until about 10 past noon today <___<

My parents were rearranging furniture when I woke up and unpacking the stuff that hasn't beeen unpacked yet.
I love waking up to people working around I don't know why it's just nice to know that something is going on around the house.

so I got up, popped in my Dir en grey CD, took a 45 minute shower while humming to the songs and now I feel all clean ^_^
I actually used all the hair and skin stuff I have, and I haven't done that in a long time o_o
like, i used my leave in cream and my silkening cream and my smoothing conditioner and brushed my hair a lot and it's reallly soft now x___x
I mean I'm gonna be honest my hair was always soft (unless it's dirty, gross)but now it's like crazy soft lol.
and I used my skin moisturizers and my lotions and astringents and whatnot.
Trust me I have a LOT of that kind of stuff, I was a skin and hair nazi back when I lived in Kentucky <__<

Bleehh I think I have a stupid little girl crush -.-
damn it.
On one of my friends that lives in LA.
It can't be a serious crush, so I'm not even gonna try to fool myself.
Because -
A) I'm stuck in a tiny apartment with only my parents and no friends to hang out down here, so I think my desperation for human contact has risen a bit.
B) He is gorgeous and sooo sweet and not vulgar but funny and just everything about him is perfect to me, but he'd never be interested in me.
C) Even if my some MIRACULOUS turn of events he WAS interested in someone like me, he is incredibely far away.

So I'm gonna go with it's just a little girl crush.
Because if I give in to stupid feelings like that I'll get hurt in the end right?
I figure it's best..

we had a huge storm last night, and it knocked the power out for like a fraction of a second.
And even though it only flashed it scared the hell out of me and I think my heart stopped for a second lol
I felt it jump when the lights flickered off xD''

anyway I'm SO SO SO sorry you guys I have not been getting to very many people's sites except for my momo-chan's and I'm SO sorry there really is no excuse for it T-T
I can't even say I'm busy b/c I'm stuck home alone all day every day except weekends and I'm on summer vacation and I'm usually on the computer all day anyway, so I don't know why I don't just go to everyone's site.
I think it's because I don't know what to say usually in comments and I don't want to sound like I don't care by going "Ah that sucks, okay bye"
>.< please forgive me


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