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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, June 19, 2006

Dentists office.
greaaaat fun -.- [/sarcasm]

I had a "surprise appointment" today.
my dad tells me he told me when he made it.
i think he makes things up.
because i do not remember anyone telling ME ._.

So basically they just took X-rays and cleaned my teeth.
The assistant was very nice. She teased me a lot but she was funny so it's okay lol. She kept teasing me about putting my hair in my face =o=
That is just natural for me, I don't even think about it ._.
They had this little camera they put in my mouth and it would show up on the tv xDD
It was amusing lol.

I have to go back on Monday next week to get like 7 cavities filled x____x
But the good news is--
*shifty eyes*
They're putting mr on Valum (sp?)
it's like this pill, for those who do not know, and it's pronounced like "volume" except instead of the "o" you say a long a sound...valyoom...xD sounds like that yeah lol.
And technically they are not allowed to put me all the way to sleep since im under 18, but they CAN make me stoned as fuck 8D
So ima be high as a kite come 7 days from now muhahahaha.
the nitrus oxide (laughing gas) does absolutely NOTHING to me expect make me a little fucked up.
But it makes me more sensitive I think, b/c I can like...see the air and stuff x_x
and novacaine is a joke.
it NEVER EVER EVER works on me.
It makes me numb, except when they start working on me -.-
and then all my past dentists decide that maybe if it didnt work the FIRST 10 times they stuck me in the SAME spot, they stick me again it'll work.
*rolls eyes*

but these new dentists i have here are great so im not very worried about it...
i just hope that stuff works as good as they said.
I want to be on the BRINK of reality, here, people. lol

So yeah that's about it .-.
nothing too major for me lately...lol
here I don't believe i have done this in a LONG time, how about a picture of the day hm? ^_^

xDDD haha
yes, my momo-chan.
This is for you as well.
Kyo's yummy hips swaying like that x___X
god I think that even gives ME a boner O_O;;;
(ps guys....in case no one knows...im a chick XD)

and one more since that is TECHNICALLY a gif image...and im sorry i know it's huge ;-;

This was my desktop like....last week haha.
it's still Duel jewel now, just a different picture ^^;


I had to add a picture of Uruha after watching Silly God Disco again xDD

I'm sorry but this man's thighs are absolutely DELICIOUS!!! O_O

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