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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Late post D: gomen ne
Current song :: "Reila" - Gazette

yeah i know, same song as last time 9_9
but this time it's only coincidence, b/c after it switched to this song I decided to update my blog here ^^;;

okay so
going to onicon
they are a good band, not one of my faves anymore, but good.
My friend is working with them on staff and will buy me a photoset and is gonna tell Hiroaki he is gorgeous for me and give him a hug (also for me) and have them sign the photo set (for me as well LOL)
I love that girl *hugs her to death*

more pics today okay? ^^
I'm feeling nice enough to share o.o

I think i developed a thing for Uruha -.-
God. damn. it

oh oh oh
and here is Hiroaki, for those who don't know him.

D: He is so beautiful eek i cant wait until october now ^^
I think I'll make them something even though it's totally gei, for my friend to show them :o
suggestions? hmmmm what should i do....

okay one last one (this is a very pointless post xD)

omg the first time i read that i laughed so hard i couldnt breathe, and i showed my mom and she laughed but she was just like "oh my god xD"
I love it so much kyahahaha

okay welll......
baibai o.o?


I love my fobby asian guy friends *hearts*
sooo cute and speak such adorable broken english lmao
omg i wanna hug them all xD
*talking to them via msn*
xD *dying*
too cute!

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