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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, June 24, 2006

dir en grey in LA...so long ago

I am shaking so hard right now
I'm trembling
and I feel like my stomach just did a 180
oh my god...
that's all I can think of...

It's been nearly 2 months since the wiltern...right?
Which I did not attend...

I just read this report of the live that I haven't read since probably a week after the live had occured...
and I started trembling so hard that my breath came out in short shaky gasps..
I have goosebumps all over my body...

I am still
so angry at myself for missing this...
god *closes eyes and bangs head on desk*

How can I still be mad at myself after so long?
My god...
oh my god....
*holds stomach*
I can barely breathe..

i'm just so angry for missing it!!
I always will be

and whats worse is that my parents are the only thing holding me back...
Everyone complains about their parents...
there are worse than mine out there
but I don't know them..
I only know the ones I have...
my mom yelled at me and called me a selfish lazy bitch tonight just b/c she stepped in cat vomit (yeah i know its gross but that is beyond the point) and i wouldnt clean it off of her foot -.-
b/c its my cat, so of course its my fault.

that is irrelevant to my post but i had to say it b/c its been driving me crazy that she actually argued with me for 10 minutes and ugh

yeah anyway
I'm going to go rot in my bed for a while

sweet dreams all...
this is alayna...dwelling in past regrets...
~___~ *sigh*

(PS - yes my stomach is still shaking and i feel as if I'm going to just puke out my internal organs and die...)

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