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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, June 25, 2006

omg I feel so fat
I repeat--
NEVER try on swimsuits right after eating.
Because after you eat your stomach swells just a tiny bit ~___~''
And as it turns out, I had grabbed a number of cute bikini tops (which I wear with shorts b/c i hate my legs anyway <_<) and though the smallest ones fit FINE around my ribcage or w/e that is, my STUPID CHEST DOES NOT FIT IN THOSE THINGS!!
I hate big boobs *leers downward*

yeah so anyway, now that I'm sure you're glad to know that.
My mom and I (we make up fast, more like we both just pretend nothing happened to avoid killing eachother) are going to go back later to some other places so I can find something....
So I'm thinking while she is napping before we go I'll go walk a little bit to try and work off what I ate this morning so there is nothing to make me look chubby o.o

My TV turns on by itself around 4:15 or so AM -.-
So for the past 3 days I've been waking up around 5:00 or 6:00 or 6:30
and OMG I'm still tired from waking up so early x____x

yesterday we went up to check out the other pool on the other side of our complex and I was waiting for my parents to finish checking out the weight room by the pool.
and i was leaning against the fence when a GROUP of (HOTASS) Asian guys walked by me in loose Tshirts and swim trunks. At first i didnt pay attention but then my brain went "HELL-O!!" and my eyes went O_O
and I turned and watched as a couple of them jumped in without their shirts on
oh god
it was heaven
I was pissed b/c I looked like crap but I was too in-shock to move XDDDDDD
I'm such a hormonal boy-chaser T-T *sigh*
oh oh and they oculdn't haveb een older than 16 or so- so I'm guessing I'll see atl east a couple of them in school next year O.O *sweats*
they had little kids with them too ^o^ they were so cute
I was trying to listen and see if they were speaking english or something else, and I swear I thought I heard something Asian but the other (less important o.o'') people in the pool were TOO FUCKING LOUD =o=;

KYAHAHAHAAHAHAH *dying laughing*
I'm so immature xDDD
I just remembered a bunch of REALLY RAUNCHY Japanese slang for like...no reason LMAO
omg xDD
I think it's b/c I always let my Japanese slip when I'm shopping or something, ill screech "aa! kore kakkoii ne!" and run across the store to w/e it was i was talking about lol My parents just go =____='' *Sweatdrop*
But they HAVE to love me 9o9
Oh yes, you can expect me to start rambling in Japanese at a skirt or something when I go to the mall later xDDD

Yeah so anyway...past that...
I need to change my clothes and go for a walk with the dog and my mp3 player *sigh*
omg please don't let me run into those guys looking like this ;-;
I have like hardly any makeup on and I am not going to PUT makeup on to go for a walk, I'm not THAT bad. So I hope they dont come out this early ;-;

I'm off @___@
*waves blankly*


pictures for you pleasure ne :D??
PS all these were taken by ME (screencaps muhahaha)

IT'S MY CUPCAKE [copywright - Cryz] 8DDD SHUN-SAMA IS SO CUTE XDDDD (he's the one holding up the ears ._.)

Yuya says "wha?" xD

Haha there you go, Momo-chan lmao
Kyo's hot even when he has the monster of all...smoking-holes...*shifty eyes* (HAHA i dont know what they're called xDD)

*Sigh* .-. Due le Quartz. Miyabi was so hot. and i mean like...SO FUCKING HOT O___O
I wonder if he was a spazzy as he is now *shifty eyes*

ahahahaa....I don't think I should be thinking the naughty things I'm thinking about short sweaty worn-out haido-san xDD;;; considering he's like...married and a father and all ._.;;; *wahcks head* STOP IT

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