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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, June 29, 2006


an i wanna see Duju.
at a con.
so fucking bad.
But that involves money, and as much as I wanna save my money I have to pay for my haircut D:
I'm so sad.

I need a job >:[
as soon as school starts I'm gonna look around for one *sigh*
my only problem is transportation.

and we probably won't be going to Sturgis (this big biker fest thing in South Dakota) and my uncles wedding there.
B/c my dentist bills will cost a fortune.
I didn't really wanna go but if it is between staying HERE and going somewhere I would rather go.
I feel so guilty because I know my parents were really looking forward to seeing the whole family again ;-;
This is all my fault..

bleh i dont even feel like finishing this post...
gomen ne...


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