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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

UGH I'm so mad

I'm not as mad as I was earlier
I was so mad I was about to cry.
This IDIOT messages an unofficial Dir fanclub I'm in on myspace and was a HORRIBLE illiterate JACKASS idiot.
Here is what he said:

"you guys suck ass drop off the family values tour you dont deserve to play with the like of the deftones, korn, stone sour and 10 years. i spend good money on my tix and i dont wanna hear your shitty nonsense. at least learn english if your gonna play the us. fucking no talent assholes. go tour with some japanese band. you suck"

that ignorant illiterate FUCK.
I want to track him down.
Here is what the pres. of the fanclub (who is also a friend of mine!!!) replied with:

"I'd like to say first, learn how to read and use proper grammar.

If you had read the content on our page it says we are only fans of the band and not the actual band itself. The Dir en grey Street Team is an unofficial promoter of Japanese rock band Dir en grey. Fans from all over the US as well as overseas have come together to make this page.
The band would also disregard your message or not even bother to read it in the first place, just as you maybe disregarding this message.

Well I will make this as short as I possibly can without completely insulting your intelligence.

You may think that Dir en grey doesnt deserve it, but they have earned it and have every right to be on the tour. And since you may not know this, Korn themselves had asked Dir en grey to be on the tour. So if anything, blame Korn for wanting them on the tour in the first place. And dont make it seem like your bands are better than Dir en grey because they arent American and dont sing all their songs in English. Dir en grey have earned all their fans and a majority dont understand a word they say, yet love the MUSIC!! Small minded people such as yourself are the reason why America is hated by so many countries as well as fellow Americans.

Oh and, no one said you had to listen to them anyway. No one is forcing you to sit or stand there and listen to dir en greys set. And you dont see the dir en grey fans complaining that they have to sit through bands they dont like just to listen to dir en grey.

So before you go off and say immature and moronic things, think or do some research because everyone is laughing at you.

Dir en grey Street Team"

I'm just so mad.
I would have made my own post but I'm just too frustrated to think *huffs*
plus I'm discussing it with my friend on AIM and talking to hannah on the phone
ill update later perhaps...


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