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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, July 9, 2006

Okay sooooo my pretty little lovelies O:

how are we doing today.hm?

yesterday was good ^_^
i went shopping at the mall and bought a new shirt at DEB b/c, yes I like some of their clothes lol. They have cute skirts and corsets and shirts sometimes :)
the staff there were TOTAL bitches though my god -_-
i hate stuck up people. They wouldnt help ME even when I asked a question ALOUD to my mom three feet away from them but they'd help anyone else who didnt even say ANYTHING.
Fucking pricks.

Yeah soooo then I went to Hot Topic.
Okay....to clarify--
I'm not a big shopper of Hot Topic sorts lol.
I went there for only a few reasons:
1] to ask if they had all the Dir en grey shirts they had shown on their site (they have like 4 kinds now..)
2] To ask how WELL the Dir en grey stuff was selling (to which the girl replied "i haven't been seeing it go too fast, really")
3] To buy some form of accessory b/c im running low, my wardrobe likes to disappear from me o_o

I bought red and black knee-highs
I love them though x_x

The only reason I didn't buy so much (i had like t2 other shirts and a skirt from DEB i wanted, and another pair of socks from HT) was b/c my mom owes me $30, and she decided that whatever I bought yesterday would be taken out of those $30.
-__- *sigh*
and i'm cheap and i NEED that money for reasons I can't tell to HER. (My hair, and those of you who know about it know why).

We were there for a good few hours :)

and we went into this leather store, much to my unwillingness may I add =u=
and I was wearing my X Japan shirt, right?
This kid who worked at the leather place kept on looking at me (kinda cute for a white guy, actually, lol. Longish hair and it was clean). And I was kind alike "uhhhh o.O"
then he walks over and goes
him: "did you have to order that shirt?"
me: "ooh ^^;; haha yeah, ebay"
him: "ahhh I thought maybe there was a place in the mall, damn it. oh well."
me: "yeah, jpophouse too *nervous laugh*"
him: "eeeh...yeah"

he kept on looking at me the rest of the time we were in there too xD
he also helped my mom with these leather jackets for my dad and his harley *sigh*
he already has one though but mehh
we're going back with him today hopefully and I can go see if that guy's there again muahahaha

Then we went and got smoothies and these horribley fattening peanut butter chocolate square things x___x

andddd when we got home my dad was just pulling in (good timing ne :D?) and he had bought me like literally 4 grocery bags full of cup-o-noodles LMAO
b/c we just got a new microwave, and my dad didn't see a need FOR a microwave the past fucking 9 months he's been living here xDD
so my mom and i were excited as hell o.o
we NEED microwaves hahaha

we had tacos x_x
i have not had a taco in a long time, mind you o_O''
then we went to go see Pirates of the Caribbean :D :D :D
I was so excited, it was a very good movie, go see it!
I admit I liked the first one better but the first one had a little less action than the second, that's all.
The second one was more action-based, but still very funny.

also, warning (BUT NOT A SPOILER)::
one more year until the third movie ;____;

now i think im going to go eat ice x_x
food is bad *many hearts*


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