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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

*yawns and melts over the couch*

I love the laptop...*smirk*
it allows me to be lazy and lay down while typing.

anyway I'm watching one of my many dir en grey DVDs...it's rather calming. I'm watching it merely to take a break from cleaning.
I've decided I need to suck up more =__=
though I prefer to KEEP my dignity I suppose I can let it go for just a small while....
Usually I only do things like this when I'm not told to, if they tell me to I get really angry and don't do it .___.
I hate people telling me what to do unless I ask for instructions *grumbles*
it makes my stomach turn over D:

Kyo's voice amazes me sometimes...lol
it's just incredible to me how such a small man can evoke such strong emotion from the audience, like their screaming melts into his voice and escapes just a bit through every crack in his singing.

My dad said he wants to start giving me $50 every payday as long as i keep up with a few simple jobs in the house...no big deal, itll probably only be laundry and the litterbox and dishes and keeping my bathroom clean. *rolls eyes*
that's not hard....
besides I need the money to go to my con fund, that's about $100 a month if I counted correctly...*ponders*

Kyo really looks very nice with black hair, I kind of prefer him with the spiky black hair.
and shinya's black and red cornrows are BEAUTIFUL in this live. I'm always a sucker for red and black hair (hence Shun...*coughs*).
I can't help it D:
It just draws me in *cry* lol
Though I'm not a Die fangirl xDD weird

sorry about yesterdays post, guys I've just been having lots of stupid stuff so....ignore it if at all possible.
It felt a little good to get some of it out, I don't think I could have fit anymore inside of me for a while....lol
I made some more room in my brain for drama storage though so that's good.

I had a cup of noodles all day today...
that was my only food. I went to sleep around 4:00ish and then my mom woke up from strange dreams again around 11:00 or so but she wouldn't let me go back to sleep b/c she kept telling me to do stuff and so I ended up screaming for her to "get the hell out of my room and go to work"
.____. ....I was tired what do you want from me?
*coughs again* I hope she didn't take that too personally....though I don't think she would have, because she knows I'm a grouch in the morning ._. ....

anyway i went back to sleep and woke up around noonish, 11:50 or something. and then i checked my myspace messages and LJ real quick and started cleaning my kitchen and vaccuming the living room.

FUCK i hate it when i cant remember the names of songs!!! This is one of the best songs xD
i think...its...shit i know this, my brain is so fucked up i cant remember!!!
*dies laughing*
inside joke but if you've heard the song you should probably be able to figure it out *still dying laughing*

okay so yeah anyway ._. ...ummmm
I have decided that i NEED a concert fix.
Nothing, absolutely nothing can make me happier than remembering the D'espairs ray live. the endorphins and the music pumping through my flesh and into my veins and every raining note from Hizumi's voice and Zero's bass and Tsukasa's drums and Karyu's guitar just melting over me, it's one memory i will NEVER forget every detail of.
and lives just give me that natural high, I need to get to another one. They cheer me up and make me happy for weeks afterwards.
Shit, after D'ray I was still in shock from everything (especially Zero falling on me, that still makes me giggle xD oh look i just did! HAHA) that I didn't care that my neck and legs and EVERYTHING ELSE was aching from the moshpit and lack of eating. I had bruises everywhere and my neck hurt to move, but it got me out of strenuous workouts in PE so thank you D'espairs Ray xDDDD
yeah im sorry everytime i talk about D'espairs Ray the conversation soon turns to "FUCK I DID THIS AND THIS AND ZERO FELL ON ME AND BLAH BLAH BLAH"
every time...i wonder if i have a bragging problem .___. *shifts eyes slowly across room*

okay soo....
I'm gonna just relax on this couch for a little while...maybe later I'll go clean out the pantry and fridge or something...i need to clean my bathroom still *sighs*
after this Dir dvd is over I will though *yawns* i think I need a nap....Kyo's screaming makes me sleepy *giggle* strange ne?

I haven't talked to my friends in a long time :(
Dolly and Jen and Katie...I miss them so much but they don't call me or IM me anymore...katie and Jen of course cant do either since their computer is broken and they have no phone but I'd just appreciate it if dolly could call me or IM me once in a while, especially when she is with them so I can talk to everybody. I miss them a lot ):

here before I start to get all depressing again!!!
(again, on my moms laptop at the moment so i can use the plasma screen for dir en grey *coughs AGAIN*....so no resizing of the pics sorry D:)

BAAAH its my favorite movie :D (Moon Child) I used to have it but it got lost in our last move a month or two ago *SOBS* I need to re-order it from netflix and burn it LMAO thats what i did the first time xDDD i steal all my DVDs *grin* im so horrible 9__9 I know

........shun-sama....umm....I think i need a towel o-o....(all you dirty minds, thank you for getting that joke xDDD)

Aren't they the most adorable things?? XDD I love shun's face. He looks like an angry cat o-o BUAHAHA

Duel Jewel at Katsucon 9 ^___^
VAL'S MOHAWK LMAO I love it xD I used to hate it but it's grown on me over the years ^^;;

^^....*giggling like a little girl* xD
Yoshiki (ex-drummer of X Japan). he's gonna be at Otakon!!! UGH DAMN YOU PEOPLE IN BALTIMORE. I hope he isn't a total ass to you though 9_9

yaoi screen cap of this -- muahaha
from Yuuyami Suicide -- Pierrot

okay that's enough for today....next time I'll lay off the duel Jewel pics ^^;;; kay?
I'll post some bands some people may not know of, I shall J-educate you 8DDD


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