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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, July 13, 2006

i want to eat soo bad x_x
my stomach is turning against me *growls at it*

okay ummmm getting my mind off of ittttttt
*randomly dances*


my dad is giving me an allowance now :D
all i have to do is simple jobs everyday like sweeping the kitchen (we have like 10 feet of tile in the kitchen so thats not bad :D) and stupid stuff like that.
$100 a month if i do them all muahahaha
technically he's giving me $50 every payday (every 2 weeks) so thats about $100 a month generally :))))))
*happy dance*
I already did the 2 simple jobs I had to do today...
he ACTUALLY printed up this little weekly chart thing LOL
it gives me a certain amount of money for every job every day it has to be done, so if i dont do a job it just doesnt give me that part of the money *malicious grin*
but i need all the money so i have to obey my dads whims .__.
damn lmao

oookay now....
i promised pictures did i not? *sighs*
okay here you go ^_^ I'll try not to give you too much duel jewel *twitches* xD
I'll give a bunch of dir first for my momo-chan :DD

You're right momo-chan, his hair does look really sexy like this ^___^ i like it black and fluffy too though :o

Shinyaaaaaaa *hearts* ^___^ he is my Dir baby lmao, he is just too gorgeous. and if you watch him live, oh my fucking GOD his arms fly so fast I can barely see them!

O__O Kyo is the only man I've ever thought of as absolutely SEXY who has muscles. Other than that I just cannot STAND them, I think muscles are disgusting =o= Why does Kyo get away with it?? ._.

....*melts off the couch*....Zero-sama....your legs almost match that of Uruha's....I forgot how to breathe X___X

KANA-SAMA!!!!! ^___^ *wriggles* he is one of my hair idols :DD

okay i think ive pictured everyone out .__.
xDD;; baibai for now


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